I think I mentioned in my last blog that I don't often do book reviews but I seem to be on a jag. Some books just beg you to shout them to the world.
Addie LaRue makes a deal with the darkness. She trades her soul for freedom in order to escape a forced marriage. 300 years later, she’s still young and stunning to look at…but nobody knows who she is. Nobody remembers her once she’s out of sight. She can’t speak or write her own name. She can’t hold a job or own anything for more than a little while. Addie can’t leave any mark of permanence but readers will never forget her.
My friend, Kelly DiPucchhio, suggested this book for me. I’m so glad she did. What a ride! I thoroughly enjoy most books that are a bit out of this world, but this take on Faust is so unique that I was riveted. The author takes you from present day New York to eighteenth century France and back again, over and over as you follow Addie through the struggles and joys that accompany immortality. Her only consistent companion is the darkness to whom she owes her soul, until she meets Henry, who changes everything.
I am pretty good at guessing how stories will end but this one, while I had a feel for part of the solution, still caught me off guard in the last pages. I hope you’ll take time to read The Invisible life of Addie LaRue.